Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Blog

Hey there, and welcome to my Blog

I have been watching Dustin, Jessica, Liesbeth and Jamie do this stuff for the last few years and thought I would try to catch up with the times and attempt to blog myself.

This is my very first stab at it so... lemmee' get comfy and maybe I will start posting something worth reading as well as some photos of life as a Fleming-O. Not uber-exciting, but sometimes entertaining. So, bear with me, feel free to give me a suggestion or a hand... and stay tuned


  1. you young whipper snapper you. I go by POP because of Jessica and Liesbeth so not your POP or my POP but their POP so Snap Crackle POP
    My Family is very confuser literate. My kids blog, my sister blogs, my nephew blogs, my cousin blogs, heck even my father blogs vicariously through sending daily comics to a select few. I wonder if I should blog.

    Now blogging off.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What the heck, it just deleted my comment...I was trying to say I love this! Keep 'em coming! I also enjoy the photo :)

  4. yeah!

    a family that blogs together...

    spends too much time apart and on the computer.
